What Makes It Fun
The Full Details
Dive headfirst into a whirlwind of zaps, zings, and zingy creations with the Klutz Circuit Clay Science Kit! This engaging art and craft kit allows kids to mold their own conductive clay sculptures and bring them to life with LED lights. It's a perfect blend of art, science, and technology, providing a hands-on introduction to circuits and electricity through more than 15 exciting projects. From glowing creatures to illuminated cities, children can use the 52-page instruction book to guide them through each creation, enhancing their STEAM skills along the way.
The Klutz Circuit Clay Science Kit features:
- 4 colors of reusable conductive clay and white insulating clay
- 20 bright LEDs to light up your sculptures
- A battery pack to power your projects (4 AA batteries not included)
- Over 50 paper punch-outs for decorating your creations
- Ideal for children aged 8 to 12, fostering creativity and learning